
Game changing, AI enabled, automation technology made affordable and accessible for businesses to elevate their sales and customer experiences to generate more leads right away.

Top reasons you're losing potential sales

Not answering every call 24/7 so potential customers move on.

8 out of 10 missed calls don't call back. Without a way to automatically engage missed callers, you run a high risk of losing a potential sale who will move on to the first company to answer their call.

Rarely re-engaging with happy customers for repeat business.

Gaining a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer. The success rate of selling to a customer you already have is 60-70%, while the success rate of selling to a new customer is 5-20%.

Slow response to new leads.

50% of leads will work with the organization that contacts them first. Responding to leads within the first minute increases the chance of a sale by nearly 400%!

Once a lead is lost, no further reach out.

On average, businesses close 1 out of every 4 leads. This leaves three out of four leads that didn't close at that time. Most businesses toss those three leads and never re-engage missing the opportunity to reactive those potential buyers.

Not giving your customers their preferred way to communicate through text message.

9 out of 10 consumers say they prefer texting with businesses over any other mode of communication. Most businesses don't offer text communications because managing it all through a personal mobile phone just adds to the chaos.

Not having a good way to organize your leads and contacts.

Customers contact through calls, forms, emails, Google, Facebook, and in the chaos people get missed. When people get missed, they go elsewhere. You could be sitting on a goldmine of repeat customers, but without an organized way to use the information, opportunity is lost.

The fast track to more leads right away is Stealth Automate.

How you benefit

10+ hrs/week time savings

Increased sales

Re-engage lost leads and customers

How your customer benefits

24/7 quick response

Preferred way to connect

Kept informed

Give Our Most Popular Feature a Try!

Missed Call Text Back

Call the number below, hang up, and after a few short seconds, Automate will detect we missed your call and automatically text you back to start a conversation.

Ready to see more?

Packed with several great benefits like missed call back, web chat to text, automation with the ability to pull in conversations from many places like Facebook, Google, your web forms, text messages, phone calls, and more, Automate is truly a game changer you need to demo.

Worried about having to set Automate up yourself?

At Stealth, the setup is done for you.

Stealth completes all the setup, connections, carrier verifications, configurations, and much more to get you up and running effortlessly.

The Stealth Automate Story

For over 15 years, after developing their own game changing digital marketing technology, our founders generated millions of sales leads for thousands of companies.

However, during that time, many potential sales were never captured. Many of the reasons include clients not answering every call, rarely re-engaging with their happy customers, not keeping in touch with leads that didn’t close, and a whole lot more because of time and technical limitations.

AI enabled automation is changing the game. But for most businesses, plugging into AI is a challenging task. Motivated to once again make game changing technology affordable and effective for businesses, Stealth Automate was born.

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